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【Dawn Yard Fine Food: The green restaurant】 Get reacquainted with the food of Eden

In recent years, with the increase in environmental protection and health consciousness, organic stores and natural, non-toxic food have begun to appear and started a health trend in Taiwan. On Chin Nan Road, Dawn Yard Fine Food, hailed as a "green" restaurant and in business for 20 years, is at the forefront of the green trend as a model for restaurant operators. With the guidance of God, it promotes health foods to benefit everyone and honor God Since the beginning, Dawn Yard Fine Food has insisted on selecting natural, organic, non-toxic, additive-free, in-season foods that are cooked at low temperatures so food is delicious, healthy, and those who eat it feel satisfied. As well as being famous in the health food and beverage market in the country, a lot of Japanese media has also reported their story and Japanese cooking instructors have organized cooking courses. The restaurant founder, Yu, Pi-Fang, ‘Sister Yu’ as she is known by everyone, indicates during the interview that she wishes to benefit people and honor God with healthy, gourmet good. “This is the road God wanted me to travel” she said. “Natural food is edible food approved by God for humans and is the food source of Eden.”